A new blog for the new year

Yeah i know it's almost june, but the idea for this was last year. (Author note (of 2021, it is now 2023 at the date of publication))


I used to have a blog, still available at jibhaine.fr, i gave it up around the time social networks rose to popularity and everyone that had a blog was posting stuff on facebook or twitter. There are too many social networks today, having control of what everyone publishes. This site is my attempt at taking back what i can of my identity online.

What you'll find here

mainly articles about web development, tutorials on angular, and other technologies if i'm motivated.

Think pieces about development practices in teams, about our sausage society.

Technical stack & roadmap

This "blog" is built with angular and analog I'll build it in the open on github, here are some of the features planned :

Technical roadmap

  • generate article pages from markdown with front-matter
  • internationalization english / french
  • RSS feed
  • links to share articles on social network
  • projects list / timeline type of content
  • analytics ??
  • reactions on blog posts

I'll try to keep this list updated.

Be seeing you :wave: